June 29, 2008 Filed under Shmira News

Thursday, June 26th – 9:45pm: Shmira received a call that a bicycle, which had been previously stolen, had just been spotted on the corner of Lefferts and Albany Avenue. Shmira members arrived immediately and were directed by the caller to Lefferts Park where an African America teen was riding the bicycle. The bicycle belonged to a girl that lived nearby. Only days earlier, the girl had locked up her bicycle inside Lefferts Park for a few minutes and when she returned the bicycle had disappeared. The Shmira members entered the park however were unable to identify the bicycle since there was more than one teen riding a bicycle in the park and due to the darkness of the night were unable to differentiate between the different bicycles.

Moment’s later one of the teens exited the park and the Shmira members began walking behind him while checking for the markings that would confirm whether this was indeed the bicycle they were looking for. However, before their doubts were confirmed, the teen turned around and told the Shmira members that his friend had given him the bicycle and that he did not want any trouble. The teen then handed the bicycle to one of the Shmira members and walked away. The Shmira members returned the bicycle to the home of the owner. The bicycle has a registration number etched into it for ID purposes especially for these types of situations. Shmira highly recommends getting a registration number etched into all bicycles and if something does G-d forbid happen please file a report immediately.


  1. Jack says:

    Yet again Shmira saves the day.
    If not for shmira, the neiborhood would of been gone a long time ago.
    With blessings from above and beyond, the merits of Shmira is one of the reasons that we can safely say “Kan Tzivah Hashem es Habrocho.”

  2. ad mosai says:

    Where was the shmira patrol member at the time that was suposed to be in the park