Shmira respond to assault

September 14, 2008 Filed under Shmira News

Thursday, September 11, 2008 6:45pm A crown Heights resident noticed an African American male dragging an African American female down Crown Street near Albany Avenue. The resident immediately called a friend who is a Shmira volunteer and told him what was going on. The Shmira member, who was not in the area at the time, immediately relayed the information over the radio. Shmira members responded and witnessed the man smashing the woman’s head into the cement before dragging her into 555 Crown Street. A responding Shmira member alerted an Officer patrolling nearby and the Officer followed him to where the assault was transpiring. The Officer placed the man under arrest for assault and the woman was free to go.


11 Responses to “Shmira respond to assault”
  1. levi says:

    great job shmira once again u save the day big kidush hashem what will the community will do with out you guys we all love u guys

  2. Zalmy says:

    Thats just crazy!

    Shmira keep it up!

  3. ninety oh says:

    Wow crazy things going on in town.
    nice pictures!

  4. Zelig says:

    great job. Send it to the press.

  5. ch says:

    shmira i got to admit you the bomb

  6. Shmuel says:

    Thank you Shmira this can not be allowed to go on in our neighborhood and must be stopped at any cost.
    what was this guy thinking?
    in broad daylight beating her like that

  7. yoli says:

    …………… shmira you guys rock your crown heights bravest keep up the good work

  8. Bobby says:

    Ummm how about givin credit to the officer who actually stopped the guy while all the shmira guy did was just watch…..hmmm does that make that shmira a good samaratin for just telling the officer or is it because a jewish girl who wasn’t getting hurt the reason why they weren’t physical

  9. jack says:

    it would have been alot faster to just call the cops first,,instead of telling some volunteer would then just tells the cops….cut the middle man out unless you are going to stop the attack yourself… sounds like they just wasted time.

  10. Mottel says:

    Just so you know a good samaritan (Bobby) is a xtian concept

  11. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone hear about a Assault this Friday afternoon, you should put it on this website what happened.