Shmira Advisory Report

June 15, 2008 Filed under Advisory Report

Sunday, June 15, 2008 at approximately 12:00 noon Shmira was called to the alleyway behind 1451 Carroll Street between Albany and Troy Avenue. The caller had just realized that their car had been broken into. As Shmira responded 911 was simultaneously dispatched. The Shmira member arrived on scene and found that the passenger side window had been shattered. After it was apparent that nothing had been stolen from inside the car the Shmira member remained to help the complainant file a Police report.

As summer arrives statistically crime is on the rise. Break-ins, robberies and burglaries are all the more regular. Leaving valuables in your vehicle it is a big incentive for a thief to break your window in order to retrieve them. GPS systems are on the top of the list, simply leaving the GPS cradle in the car can be enough reason for a broken window. If you park your car in a garage please remember to close the door even if you are going in for just a few minutes, especially if your garage is in an alleyway where prowling perpetrators can roam unnoticed by your neighbors.


2 Responses to “Shmira Advisory Report”
  1. Shmuly says:

    good going, hopefully next time you catch the guy in the act

    you guys are doing a terrific job of keeping the neighborhood safe

    thank you all for your dedication

  2. mendy says:

    thank you shmira for keeping the neighborhood safe